Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

All baked out

The holistic view reminds us that the body and soul are inextricably linked, and that when one is under pressure the other reacts; so the fact that I felt like a zombie with a headache at six o'clock this evening should have come as no surprise. Waitrose was surreal and I probably should have resisted entreaties to go there, but I was weak, and emerged both poorer and even more nauseous than when I started.

Work has been unremitting the last week and whilst I have tried to retain my bonhomie, fact is my brain is overloaded. The psychological hard drive is full and in need of a good defrag.

I was bullied into buying a ticket for the office Great British Bake Off Sweepstake so I tuned in briefly tonight to see how Nadiya, whose name I had drawn, would fare; she started off with a good madeira cake but then had a disaster with her frosted walnut thingy; after that I lost interest. I never win things like this, although twelve to one is better than some odds.

I am planning a classic afternoon tea for my birthday next month so perhaps I should pay more attention. So here is a random collection of baking ingredients from my kitchen cupboard.

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