Still five

Spent another couple of hours grappling with the office PC until it finally rolled over and grudgingly agreed to install Office 2013 (which was supposed to have been an automated process). Pity there wasn't any wet paint around that I could have watched drying for amusement.

When I got off the bus at the Shore I was pleased to see Family Swan again - hadn't seen them for a few weeks, so the cygnets have really grown. They were all busy nibbling the delicious weed from the stonework. I thought from this viewpoint that there were only four of them left (plus a random crisp packet, but I heard a faint meeping from my right and found that the fifth had just been out of shot.

Later H & A came back from their adventures in town and we went to V-Deep, which was interesting and mostly very good. Mel joined us and it was good to see her; since she moved back from France to just across Leith Links we see her much less frequently of course !

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