Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Ask ME!

Rachel Vasak, the Executive Director of NSEA (Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association), invited Congressman Rick Larsen (Democrat) to join us today to see some of the good things NSEA does. As an NSEA Board member, I volunteered to go along and photograph the tour.

The first thing on the agenda was a visit to one of the elementary schools participating in our Students for Salmon program. The students have been studying the the water quality of a nearby creek, and three groups presented their reports.

After the presentations, Rick tested the students' knowledge with some questions, and then gave them an opportunity to ask him questions. It would be a gross understatement to say that the students gave our Congressman an enthusiastic reception! When we went outside for a group photo afterwards, I had to shoot it three times so that different kids had a chance to stand close to him.

Rick seemed to enjoy the experience just as much as the kids. In the current political climate, I expect not all his audiences are as friendly.

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