.... we move on!!!

At the conclusion of a most emotional and exhausting period in our lives, and following the service yesterday for Nanna, we start the next phase of our lives today!

On behalf of Wendy and family, we cannot begin to say how grateful we have been for the magnificent concern, feeling, and empathy from you all as we nursed Nanna through her final weeks following a long battle with bowel cancer, which entailed two ops in the last five years. The cancer raised it's ugly head again in her abdomen around mid May, and all we could do was keep her as pain free and comfortable as possible.   

Decided to drop down to the mighty Nepean River for a sunset shot, and although the cloud was great around an hour before sunset it was all gone at sunset, replaced with the wind by haze from the bush fires in the Blue Mountains.

This did however give a very different "feel" and effect to the after colour.

This was around ten minutes after sunset.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

.... Hoping to get back to comment etc very soon.  

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