
By AroundHome

Green Heron

"Heron Central" again had a large number of herons this morning: 29 great egrets, a few great blue heron, and one green heron which is pictured with part of it's morning meal.  The green heron is a smaller bird than the others with a wingspan of 26"/66cm.

I was positioned 30 feet from the water behind a single tall tuft of grass when the heron flew in and landed on the rocks in front of me.  I sat and took photos of this bird for 40 minutes, as had not been able to get this close to a green heron without it flying away.

Answer to yesterday's blip question:  17 members of the heron family are in the photo.  14 great egrets, 1 great blue heron top slightly to right, 1 green heron bottom slightly to right, and 1 juvenile heron bottom slightly to left.  The juvenile is either a green heron or a black-crowned night-heron, could not determine which.

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