A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Dragon Tail

In the earlier taste test of the dragon fruit the females found it inoffensive but disappointingly bland. The men(ish)folk took a strong dislike to it. This evening I have given it an upgrade and added a juiced portion to vermouth, sparkling water and lime to create what Anna has named the Dragon Tail. It has certainly raised its game considerably.

Today has been another very hot one so all this rehydrating is very important. Another day at the casa and we have focused on having a good time here rather than being sad at what we aren't doing. And as cliche as it may sound that small shift in perspective has worked wonders. Anna and I have reinstated card school and there have been hours and hours of play in the pool.* And lots of reading in little bits of breeze and air-conned rooms.

I seem to have started a 4th book without finishing the others which is either a reflection on the previous three, a function of the heat, or a reflection on me. As I managed to get my time zones messed up and miss my last work call of the month today I suspect it might be the latter. Fortunately I realised soon after the appointed time and was able to have a follow up call with the organiser who kindly reassured me that she, "misses calls all the time"!

This evening we had someone around to discuss various projects we hope to complete on the house here over the next year.

And now my Dragon Tail needs refilling whilst I watch Carlos start the BBQ and I am required to make a salad. Tough gig, I know.

Lesley x

*for my memory...
play, play, super super play
Win, win, etc
Lose, lose...
Hit, hit...
Rainbow, bow rain...

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