All about the sky
Tough session with the physio today, then a friend came round for tea and gossip, so although I had another shot to post tonight, rather late on I had to take my camera out to stretch my legs, loosen my back and get rid of the stiffness. Hence the late posting.
This bridge dividing the barley fields (no, it's not all cut yet) carries the main line to London and points north. Trains go over it about every 15 minutes. However, as you can see, the really spectacular thing to shoot tonight was this complicated and scribbly sky. Or maybe it's just that I'm reading Dava Sobel's book The Planets and so am feeling a tad cosmic! Anyway, I think the clouds go broken and wispy when the winds very high up get strong and tear them about.
Whatever, I'm now totally bushed, so will comment early tomorrow. Hope you've all had a good day. Night night, folks xx
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