At the Lily Pond . . . the Lemon Sisters

Meanwhile, back at the lily pond, it is still high summer, and all of the water lilies are in bloom. I don't think I've ever posted a picture here of the yellow lilies, and so I thought it was time for that.

There are three lemon-colored lilies in this shot, and I always think of flowers all in a row like this as sisters. As being a sister is a primary identity for me, I see signs of sisters everywhere.

So it made me think of the Lennon Sisters (lemon --> Lennon, yes, somehow, this is how my brain works!) from the Lawrence Welk Show, which I watched with my family every single week while growing up.

So the tune to accompany this image of three lemon-colored sister water lilies is the Lennon Sisters, with Sugartime. Some of you may be more familiar with the excellent Johnny Cash version, and I've included that one as well.

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