Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

i-eye Day 64 - Holding Up

I am holding up to posting only iPhone shots! Not exactly holding up to not faffing with them though....

We had a fabulous day at Brimham Rocks (we won't talk about the journey there and the conspiracy of the powers that be in Bradford to stop anyone leaving the city, by having roadworks on every exit) - David graced us with his presence and the hound attended too. We had a lovely picnic and are now plotting Friday fish n chips, followed by (allegedly) a sleepover in a tent in the back garden for Sarah and me (inspired by this).

So this is going to show up as my 730th Blip; it feels fraudulent to celebrate as it has taken me 870 days. Really I should save the celebrations until I get to the end of the iPhone 365 - I do hope Blip is still around then.  Thank you to the lovely and loyal Blippers who give me stars and comments and don't mind how rubbish I am at replying. 

It probs calls for a tune. How about some Peace, Love and Understanding?

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