Bike Ride

Mr W and I were due to work together today but we both got cancelled once we arrived at our relative destinations so I decided we were going on a bike ride instead! 

Once Mr W had finished trying to upload Windows 10 off we went. We managed almost 10 miles with a stop at a farm cafe for a bit of tea and cake! We had no idea the cafe and farm shop was even there! Unfortunately, Mr W doesn't do Organic and the staff in the cafe were dead grumpy so we wont be going back in a hurry. Extra pictures included!

I stopped on the way back to get a Selfie with Mr W in the distance but he'd sped off before I could get my phone out so he looks like a little dot in this picture!

Then off to Sainsburys for the weekly shop. Diet starts again this evening!

Yay for the weekend.


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