still trucking...

By johnsmiley1321

Non Work Work Day

Woke up and headed to the doctors. Every year I need a physical to verify I am capable to do my job.

After passing that I headed to the Department of Licensing so they would know I was still capable to drive. I also had to bring a copy of my birth certificate to verify I was a U.S. citizen.

The copy I had was no longer valid. It seems that although what I had could be used to obtain a Passport it wasn't good enough to keep my license. Sigh...

Off to the Court House. . . Then back to the DMV. 

Paperwork in hand I headed to our legal department to make sure when I go back to work that I would be good to go.

With that done, time for civic duty with my 95th pint of donated blood... 

Playing with a filter and a tripod I took this photo of one of my moms dahlias. 

Listening to the elders laugh and play cards, while I watch the world go by...

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