
This song is an old favourite, and Frank Sinatra did a magnificent version -- 

After yesterday, we knew we didn't want to do anything today, so I walked by myself back to the Fish Sanctuary and shot some of the clown fish.  I wanted expressly to blip them but I also wanted to see what the best way was to reduce the glare of an out-of-the-water shot.  Swimming is not allowed in the sanctuary so an underwater cam would have been useless anyway.

Anyway, this became my post-processing recipe but I sure don't know if it will work for you:
1)  Up contrast to 100%
2)  Down highlights to 0%
3)  Apply some saturation.  Do NOT overdo with the lipstick because otherwise your (clown)fish will turn into lobster.

For a change, I decided we should try the menu in the resort restaurant next door.  No regrets!  We spent dinner gossiping about 'our' resort, polishing off the dishes, and then calmly observing the lightning flashes across the Pacific Ocean.  Hubby estimated they were about 10 km. away, too far for us to hear the thunder.  It was funny because it would flash often just after I would turn back to my plate, much like missing a goal in the Champions League just when you head back to the kitchen.  When I was well and truly done with eating, I managed two lightning shots.  I definitely need to study how that is done, probably with super long exposure and hours of patience ... and a high-rise penthouse.

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