The glue came unstuck

Started off with the Renault. Simply Google "Renault Megane window" and you will get some idea of how annoying and common the problems are. Renaults answer to the various chronic problems is to buy a complete replacement mechanism costing some 300 Euros and with labour, expect a bill of at least 500 Euros - and all this for either a 25 Euro switch or a 5 Euro plastic slider.

So as to refresh my memory on how to remove the door covering, watched one of the multitudes of Youtube videos showing how to repair/replace, this time from a very worked up Irishman who was less than kind about Renault.

Once inside found all sorts of loose wire cables. Something has snapped, dropped off. The motor seems fine. Just wasn't up to doing much so manually lifted the window, wedged it closed with a piece of wood and will consider another look in a week or two. For the moment the car is usable but probably not a good idea to use farmyard tracks.

With the whole of southern Germany expecting to get close to the recently established (July) highest ever temperature in Germany (40.3°C), I was not about to do much outdoors until the evening. Seems lots of places matched the record but it was nor broken.

Angie has been doing everything possible to cool down the pool water while having to run the pump during the day to cool down the heating pipes which had burst on Tuesday due to the heat and which I glued back together on Wednesday. She has managed to keep it around 30"C and although not covering it at night, not much help when the temperature at midnight is still 22°C. I love it and took one of my infrequent dips but hung on to the toupee in case the glue became unstuck. Well at least with the bathroom taps not working, I still managed to have a bath today.

Then a bit of lawn weed mowing. The garden looks dreadful and visitors next week. What the least it matches the condition of the house and the cars................. You don't often get an August nowadays that is a proper August as it was and should be. So pleased for the children who started their holidays this week.

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