A Charming Couple

Dear Diary,

I went to visit my friend Dotty and decided to take a different road from the one I normally take.  This charming couple made me pull over for the photo op.  Scarecrows are a staple of rural life but this pair were particularly well done I think.

This experience underscored the need to allow yourself to take "the road less traveled" from time to time.  Who knows what delights await you along the way!  I taught a workshop on creativity for teachers years back and one of the assignments was to find a new way to go home after school.  Force yourself to re-program your daily life.  It is what I called a "rut buster". 

I also used the idea that being on the "right track" is fine but allow yourself to be "side tracked" once in a while.  It really speaks to the need for some spontaneity and flexibility in your thinking and as we age I find we tend to become more rigid in our thinking.  If we don't take care we can develop "psychosclerosis"...a hardening of the attitudes.  I include myself in this because I find myself falling into the trap of routine from time to time.  It is really refreshing to mix things up from time to time!

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