A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

The wanderers return!

After a nice supper last night, when Grace and John arrived back from their travels, we took advantage of the lovely morning to have breakfast outside in the garden.
As well as telling us about their adventures Grace was showing us some of the things they had bought. Here you can see the cloth she bought in the Outer Hebrides. Two pieces are Breanish Tweed, woven on the Isle of Lewis, which she is going to make into bedroom cushions and the bottom piece is Harris Tweed,nbought on Harris, which she is going to make into a scarfe.
They had visited lots of art studios and potteries too as well as climbing several mountains, sailing around one of the Summer Isles, swimming and snorkelling in the sea, going to a local cieidh and generally having a great time!

They are heading home now, another 4 hour journey. Don't think Grace will feel too sad she is off to the U.S. next week, Washington and New York to visit a friend!

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