Dinner With Claws

Sometimes, I don't understand why humans make things so difficult for themselves. Look what mum brought home for dinner from the grocery store. Hello?!!

Apparently, it's the (very short) crayfish season, and people will pay almost anything for a couple of these creepy little suckers. It takes a lot of time and effort to get what is in the end very small amounts of food out of them. Mum claims that this is the whole point, which is why there are special parties when people get together to do this. Everyone wears silly hats, and sings songs in celebration of the crayfish. Unbelievable.

We didn't have hats, for which I was grateful. After my initial scepticism, I stole a lick and then spent a very attentive fortyfive minutes on my chair next to mum, casting meaningful looks at her plate. Sorry, Alice, this is not for you, she said. They are way too salty. In the end, she caved in and gave me some very small bits. Delicious. I wouldn't have bothered so much with the cleaning, though. Except for the claws.

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