Sad Tale
Yesterday CarbBoy said there was a huge dragonfly in the hall, but then we lost it. This morning I found it in the spare room. It had obviously flown into a spider's web and was covered in web. I carried it outside and tried, with fingers, hairdressing scissors, tweezers and a lot of caution to get rid of enough web that it could fly. My animal expert still being in bed, I dropped some sugar solution beside where I supposed its mouth was in case it was peckish after a night of pointless flapping.
And then we headed of into Toulouse to rescue the car. The tyres re inflated enough to get out of the car park and to the nearest car place where a new set of tyres cost a jaw-dropping amount of cash. Mr B was so shocked that he bought me steak and chips for lunch. Later some fun mooching around a kitchen shop (foie gras cutter anyone? I am just astonished that we didn't buy it.)
Still later, we dried off after the soaking we got while shopping (torrential rain all day) and indulged in an indoor barbecue, learned some Spanish for our nearly imminent trip and watched Mission Impossible 3, during which the kids realised their Dad had all the makings of a spy (irregular work, often away, lots of broken cars...)
I don't think the dragonfly's going to make it.
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