A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Verduras Mediterraneas

What a difference a day makes.  And a 1/3 reduction in psychotropic drugs perhaps.  There is a slight concern that at least some of J's daytime issues of the last week may have been down to prolonged use of his sleeping medication so the revision is to gradually reduce the dosage. Apparently it is important that this is done really carefully so it will take about three weeks before he is fully off it.  But we started last night and, whilst he is still not sleeping perfectly, he was able to do much more today and we have had a lovely family day.  Two entertaining pool sessions, lunch on the beach and pork chop BBQ.  I was very happy with my side dish so you can share it too. 

And just enough tidying, shopping and preparing for our first set of visitors arriving tomorrow.

Lesley x

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