Once upon a time...

...it was a Police Station. I wonder if that swayed Wetherspoon's (Sp?) choice of title?
Had to investigate as I'd never heard of such an animal.
"The Chief Justice of the Common Pleas was the head of the  Court of Common Pleas, also known as the Common Bench or Common Place, which was the second-highest common law court in the until 1875, when it, along with the other two common law courts and the equity and probate courts, became part of the  The High Court of justice. As such, the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas was one of the highest judicial officials in England. behind only the Lord High Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice of England, who headed the Queen's Bench (King's when the monarch was male)."
and then
"When the Lord Chief Justice and Chief Baron died in 1880, the three common law divisions (Queen's Bench, Exchequer, and Common Pleas) were merged, and, John Coleridge the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, became Lord Chief Justice, and the offices of Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and Chief Baron were abolished."

Sp we haven't had one for quite some time.

Well - It was either that or another "Bummly".

"HOUSTON - We have a PROBLEM!"
User unfriendly software - The "Bummly" may be on the wrong day. When I tried to remove it I was asked it I wanted to remove "this" entry" and NOT "this photo" as I wanted. I'd also dearly LOVE to know why, having elected to embolden or italicise said atributes keep inserting themselves WILLY BLOODY NILLY after the first removal.

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