
By analogconvert13

Mystery Heron. Leitz Telyt-V 200mm

We swung by the weir down at the river this afternoon.  There was a Great Blue Heron, a couple of male Black-Crowned Night Herons (previously Blipped here), and this mysterious specimen.  The best that I can come up with is that this is a juvenile or a female Black-Crowned.  The bird seemed much more energetic than the others, hopping from rock to rock and actively searching for prey while the others all seemed content to stand there hoping that fried fish would just fly into their bills.  Makes me think juvenile.  I could be wrong but it looks like the strong sunlight coming from behind his head is actually  refracting through his cornea, creating that green pattern.  There was a handsome Great Blue there also.  I'll put him in as an extra.

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