the blink of an eye

By weedave

sausage bacon and rain !!

well last day at camp, got up and crawled out to the midgie infestation that was the damp morning !... cooker on and finished off the supplies that were left over from the bbq the night before ( 4sausages and 4 rashers of bacon and 3 slice of toast...outstanding )
started taking down all the soggy tents ( had poured down during the night)
managed to get the explorers out of their sleeping bags and got them eating and working ( not at the same time !)

Finally all was cleared away ( including ther fire ..see attached pic)

not a fantastic pic but if you look back to an earlier blip ( have a quick look for a black and white smokey one) you will see what it symbolise ( friendship and warmth) a bit like blip......enjoy

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