Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Olympic Torch comes to Shields

Today the Olympic Torch came to North Shields. And we walked the short distance from the office to the main road, just in time to realise that the torch would be passed between bearers right where we were standing. It was great to feel the excitement building and to see the streets full of those who had come out to cheer the flame.

The met police who were accompanying the torch seemed very chilled out. I wonder if they realised they were trying to hi-five some of our young people at the YOT...perhaps not the wisest move! But it was good to see some relaxed policing.

I thought I would blip the flame when I picked my camera up today, but actually there have been many blips of the flame, so I decided that this cheerful policeman was going to be my blip for the day.

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