Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Horse play

Oh I wish I coule write something intelligent and insightful like some of the contributors to this fantastic site - but, I'm an engineer at heart. My head doesn't work like that. I can appreciate others who can be creative in that way. Hopefully, my pictures go some way to being in someway artistic.

Today I was hoping for a break from data and reports.
Having spent five days on something that isn't benificial for our business but is a favour for one across the other side of the world (not my choice!), I was looking forwards to getting back to my day job today. No such luck.

After the weekly update call with the rest of the team first thing, I was immediately pulled off to sort out a report for another manager - urgent for him but not for me. Then an hours meeting after lunch expanded to fill the whole afternoon - not my choice again. The guys who call the meeting were at risk of heading off down blind alleys and creating a 'situation' with the board sometime in the future - I'd be pulled in sometime to sort things out. Best to spend the time to put them right despite the pain.

Fortunately, I managed to get a few shots of a location on the way to work that I'd been intending to do for a while. Unfortunately, just as I got there, the good light vanished. In the end, I wasnt sure whether to blip this or my other choice.

In the end, I opted for this shot of two horses that were busy cleaning each other. I didn't get a clear shot - the bottom right hand corner has some of the hedge that was much closer intruding. On balance, I still thought is worth it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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