
By beeeze


Having waited for the best part of two weeks for this little soul to arrive, he chose to make his appearance halfway through our preparations for the Supper Club yesterday.

Because he was slightly stuck due to one leg being behind rather than both thrusting forwards, N and I had to get involved. I say *we* had to get involved... I had the job of keeping Daisy stable which mostly involved hugging her closely, stroking her neck and talking nonsense to her whereas N had to do the proper midwifery stuff. 

Daisy repaid me by standing very firmly on my left foot, but in the spirit of females giving birth I forgive her. And remember maiming my ex-husband in a similar manner with wedding rings.

But all was well in the end. Godfrey arrived and looks to be a sturdy, beautiful boy.

*Godfrey because... every day for the last fortnight we've said 'GOD, she's about to burst, it MUST arrive today.' Thank Godfrey, he did. Eventually.

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