
Not officially orange maybe, but the closest I could get today.

While Stella's had a good day, I've had a very bad one and spent most of it going back to bed. Dizzies, headache, earache, tinnitus, pins & needles, aches & pains, nausea, the full array of migraine/fibro symptoms today. 

Stella finally persuaded me outdoors at about 6pm and the warm breeze was quite pleasant though I needed my walking stick to get there. Must have grabbed the camera instinctively because I remember thinking at least I could selectively-colour the writing on her ball and backblip tomorrow!

Then the postman called and I had to be upright as he wanted a chat. Strange him calling on a Sunday but he had sad news. His own black labrador had to go over the rainbow bridge a couple of weeks ago, the day before he was going on holiday. Arriving home to a sympathy card from the kennels where his dog should've been, his wife asked whatever would they do with all the food and things. He put it in the car and came round thinking Stella would happily eat anything. I explained he was half right and then had to explain her own situation and why I didn't want to mess with her eating habits. We must have looked to any passers-by like the most miserable pair in the world! I knew his darling dog had been poorly as we both bemoaned the fact that insurance won't pay for special food but I don't think either of us realised the end would come so quickly. 

The short sharp shot of putting things in perspective sent me back to the garden to ponder and we found I could hook a ball with the crook of my stick. This was great fun as madam tested my stretching abilities leaving the ball a little farther away with each 'retrieve'! 

Then I spotted this lovely and crawled over for a snap or two.

Two hours later and I finally felt well enough to sit at a screen and share it.

Roll on Monday, I've had enough of Sunday!

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