Another day, another party

A certain person who should perhaps know better slept best of us all which seemed quite unfair giving the state he came home in last night. How he didn't have a hangover I don't know. As punishment, he lost his right to a lie in and instead got to take the children downstairs! I came down about 8.

Guess what, he went shooting!

Grandma arrived, Munchie and I headed off to a party. This party was one of my friends, her little girl and munchie have played together quite a bit so was lovely to be invited. Got there just as the other mummy I knew arrived which was nice.

Lovely food, fab BBQ and pimms for the grown ups :)

Left just before 2, came home to a happy Womsie.

Had a snooze on the sofa, popped to the CO-OP to get tea, cooked tea, ate tea.

Usual routine of baths, beds done along with jobs galore.
Seriously thinking of going to bed now and sleeping as at least tonight there won't drunken warthog next to me in bed!

BTW - love this blip of muchie, she loved playing in Emily's garden, so much to play with

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