The tale of the empty leggings

Little un woke up this morning at 5:30 having a nightmare, which then turned into a general rant at life for about an hour... All totally understandable, considering she's just been moved from a very happy home to us and doesn't understand what's going on... 

We thought this might be because she went to bed stressed last night after a battle about Pyjamas... So today we took the policy of not stressing her at all, to see if this impacts on her sleep this evening... which meant, we didn't do anything that she didn't want...the biggest issue/thing being cleaning her and changing her clothes (I would like to add the proviso that nappies have been she lets us do this )

So the results of this experiment were completely obvious: she was more chilled out, and happier...In fact Dave had to go to the shops this afternoon and it was just me and her in the house for the first time and she was a delight, a real little sunbeam, playful, curious and laughing a lot... More importantly she was talking the previous few days she's mainly been using what we have termed the magic finger, to point and make demands, in fact from her high chair she resembled Davros from Doctor Who, especially when she was getting frustrated that we weren't following commands correctly... 

The downside of today's experiment is that she's still in Pyjamas from last night, which are now crusty with food and she honks of stale yogurt...We know that there will have to be a show down in the morning as we have a social worker visit, and we can't present a stinking, dirt encrusted child... but I'm hoping that the stress free day had bought down her cortisol levels and gives her a more peaceful and soothing sleep first...

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