Resting place...

I've avoided taking this photo for a while now.......

Then just the other day, a good friend gave me this beautiful carved soapstone ornament of a black cat curled up sleeping. A wee keepsake for me, to acknowledge her recent passing. It's just how Sooty would have curled up to sleep and it's just perfect for sitting on top of her cremation box - peacefully sleeping..... (Obviously for the purposes of the photo I have it sitting to the side so you can see the engraving) I also got a small amount of ashes in a scatter tube to scatter outside in her outside haunts but I haven't been brave enough to do it yet. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea to have their pets ashes but it's a nice small compact pine box (jewellery box side) and I feel like she's still here with us. I couldn't bare to leave her behind at the vets and I was afraid if we buried her and then ever moved house that would also mean leaving her so here she is at home with us.....

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