It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

Water baby

I took poorly boy along to no1 son's swimming lesson this evening. Normally he would stay home with babba girl and mr mc but we had the estate agent round to do the photographs ready for marketing. I thought it would help mr mc to just have one baby under his feet!

I should have foreseen what happened when poorly boy took one look at the foot bath and signed "bath". I let him go towards it for a closer look, thinking he might put his hands in... He put his foot in, still with sock and shoe on. Then went to get himself some arm bands. So I took the shoes off and rolled his trousers up, thinking he may as well paddle in it. This is when I took the photograph. He toddled back over stepped in and sat down!

By this stage it was not worth battling with him so I stood over him as he splashed and shrieked and splashed some more. It took all my strength to stop him going on into the main pool. The teacher was very nice and gave him a watering can to play with and he proceeded to wash his hair with it!

When it came to the time to get out he took it well but did frantically sign "more bath" repeatedly!

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