Take me Away

We were up and ready for adventure Monday morning.  We met up with "L" and her mama......got all settled into one car and were on our way.  We had a great day of traveling.  The spirits were high, and the giggles aplenty.  

We took a fun little train ride on a historic steam powered train.  It was such fun...with a great view of the ocean.  We were so happy with our little adventure.  

We visited a big cheese factory.  Sugar and I had been there before, but it was a first for "L" and her mama.  We had ice cream, and more giggles.  Gotta love CHEESE.  

We made it to our hotel, and we loved it.  The girls went swimming....and I did some reading.  We had a late dinner, and got ourselves snuggled into our beds finally.  It was the perfect start to our trip.

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