Tiny Special Rose

A special friend gave us this miniature rose and I was concerned that I would kill it, like every other miniature rose I have ever received. So today when I saw that this small plant was flourishing with sereral blooms on it, I was delighted and I had to get a photo to send to my granddaughter. She was the one that asked me to plant it in my garden for her. 

Since my daughter is moving away, I am more motivated to move too.  After church, I started in downtown Portland and attended every open house on the Willamette River: condos, houses, estates, cottages and empty lots. I liked the feel of a condo's location best, but the inside is not what I want; one house had great views but it was built in 1912 and was three levels, the stairs were really steep. A couple were too expensive and a couple I simply didn't like. So, I am not hopeful that we will find something perfect for us soon. I am grateful that we don't HAVE to move by any certain time. We could even stay here forever. 

Thanks for the kind comments about the photo of the early fall colors yesterday.

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