50 Year Storm pt2

See that - blue sky! And no rain! Still very windy mind, and the heating is still on. But blue sky - and glances of a big yellow thing in the sky...

This is the train line that goes along the bottom of our garden - the fire station is to the right and our house is out if sight on the left. We can just see the sea from Lily's room but trees get in the way from every other window and the balcony.

I am very relieved it is Friday. Ben is due home any minute - it's like the cavalry arriving! The kitchen is cleared, half the children are in bed (the other 2 are tidying the playroom in return for staying up to see their Dad) and the wine is chilling.

Happy Friday Blippers x

I have had the most wonderful news this morning! I took Red for his weekly (cry and scream for 30 minutes session) swimming lesson which I have to go in the water with him for. Well now he is 3, he can go to a different lesson where I do not have to go in with him!!!! I can stand (hide) on the side and pretend he is nothing to do with me. I am so very very happy :-D

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