
By welshcameraman

The harvest is gathered in

This monster of a machine came down our little road. All the cars on the side of the road had to be moved to allow it access to a field of Oilseed Rape. The photograph does not show just how big this thing really is. Anyway, it got to the bottom of the road and turned into the field and started to whirr away, chopping everything before it. It was amazing just how quickly it was all cut down and how many trailer loads of those little black seeds were taken away from the field. It is hard to believe that just a short time ago, I was complaining about the dreadful smell this stuff made when it was  in flower.   According to Wikipedia, Oilseed Rape is used for cooking oil, biofuel for both petrol and diesel engines, central heating boilers, animal feeds and lubricating oil. It is the third leading source of vegetable oil in the world with more than 60 million tons being produced worldwide. In China it is eaten as a vegetable!

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