Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Briefly Blipping in the Blue

On a day of torrential showers and noisy birds, the clouds were so fast moving that there were brief moments (seconds) of sunshine and blue skies.

I was poised, camera set and ready, kneeling mat unfolded and in easy reach so that as soon as an opportunity arose I could get outside and blip.

The last drop of rain came down in slow motion, almost suspended in mid air, and then suddenly it plopped to the ground and the noise was like a bell calling me to blip.

The Blip Bell.

Outside I went, yet already I could see the dark clouds enveloping what was left of the blue; I spotted my quarry and span my kneeling mat to the spot on the other side of the garden. It span in mid air, before landing in exactly the right spot. I had maybe 10 seconds left of blue as I dove across the garden, camera moving into position, body twisting like a cat falling from a tree. As my backside hit the mat and I fell backwards I saw the flower lookng upwards in homage to the light, and I clicked...

OK it wasn't quite like that. But nearly.

Thanks for the comments for Between a Lock and a Hard Place. Some great alternative suggestions for titles :o) I have no idea what the lock was for. It was literally as you saw it - a ring embedded in the rock with a padlock attached to it. Maybe for climbing or storing a bike? We shall never know....

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