Hola I'm Mini Claws

By MiniClaws

Nativity plays and birthday cake

Sunday 21st
Mummy and Daddy told me this morning that our lovely friend Sheila went to live with Jesus yesterday. I'm sad I won't get to see her again. We went to church and I dressed up as a sheep so I could help the bigger boys and girls do their nativity play, telling all the adults about when Jesus was a baby. Mummy dressed up as a shepherd so she could help me be a sheep, as I couldn't have got on stage on my own! I had fun, although I think mum felt a bit silly. After church we went to Linda's flat for lunch, and then Olivia and her family came because it is Olivia's 1st birthday so we had dinner and birthday cake together. After that we went back to church for a carol service, and I helped the biggest boys and girls with their nativity - this time I was baby Jesus! This Christmas time is fun and busy!

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