Last Night

After travelling for 15 hours to get here, we decided that it was just too much to do in one day so booked a hotel for tomorrow night about 3 hours from Calais. It means that we are losing a day of holiday but also we get to sleep in a hotel and get a bathroom all to ourselves and not have to walk half a mile to the toilet!!!!!! oh the luxury, I can't wait!!!
We spent our last day in Noirmoutier at the water park which was heaving!! I'm sure it can't be legal to let that many into the park at once. We were crammed in like sardines. The children had a blast, though and it was nice to be able to take a dip occasionally as it was a pretty hot day.
We've started packing up and now wating for our dinner at 'The Shack'.
Looking forward to getting on the road tomorrow.

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