Country File

By marypot


Alnwick Castle, Alnwick Garden and Alnmouth beach: A trio of wonderful locations to spend the day with my girls! It was supposed to be a family day out, but Hubby was laid up with food poisoning. I'd already booked tickets and the girls were super excited, so we decided to go anyway. Glad we did!
At Alnwick Castle, the girls dressed in medieval robes, apart from Grace who didn't want to take off her Gryffindor robes. They made wands and played in the courtyard. Alnwick Castle was used as the setting for Hogwarts in some of the Harry Potter movies (along with Durham Cathedral) and Harry was there himself today along with Dumbledore. They put on a funny and entertaining magic show and we got to meet them afterwards. Grace and Ophelia did some broomstick training too. Grace, as you can see, was a complete whizz! We also braved 'Dragon Quest', though it appears to have traumatised Arwen, poor love.
After a picnic lunch next to Harry and Dumbledore, we headed up he path to The Alnwick Garden. It's the love child of Jane, Duchess of Northumberland and is designed very much with kids' joy in mind. There was much hilarity in the serpent garden. The girls changed into their swimming gear and got soaked in the fountains there! There is also a Fairytale Trail which was absolutely enchanting. It's an amazing place.
We tried to get tea at the garden but by the time we had finished playing all the eateries were closing! Instead we headed to McDonald's (oh dear) but stopped off at Alnmouth beach en route for half an hour or so's play in the early evening sun. Today was the stuff that summers are made of.

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