The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Mum wasn't awake when the alarm went off this morning which is usually a bad sign - though I've also learnt it's not good to wake her, so I came downstairs and had my breakfast. I still hadn't heard her by 8.30, so entered her bedroom with trepidation ..

She was sitting on the floor with her back resting against the armchair - 'Hello - it's little me' she said. Hmmm - she seemed to be back to her recent usual self. Apparently she was sitting on the floor because she fancied it.

For a couple of hours I honestly thought there was some sort of miraculous improvement and I was being too hasty, thinking of admitting her to residential care.

But sure enough things soon deteriorated - she wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink and on the whole wouldn't answer anything I asked of her.

I have spent the entire evening scanning financial papers in order to investigate how we'll pay for the care home.

Meanwhile on the lawn - here's Mama grooming The Handsome Stranger who is quite tolerant of me photographing him out of the window - even talking to him - but he disappears as soon as I set foot outside!

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