The Country Parson.

George Herbert did not even make 40 years, but he packed a lot in during his time. Finished up as Rector at St.Andrews, just outside Salisbury in the village of Bemerton. Public Orator for Cambridge Univ, loads of poems and many hymns still popular today.
Mates with Charles Cotton and Izaak Walton (The Complete Angler), they often stayed at the Vicarage, so they could fish the Nadder at the bottom of his garden.
He came up with "His bark is worse than his bite", "Who is so deaf, as he that will not hear" and "Good words are worth much, and cost little", plus many more still in use today.
The tiny church of St Andrew, on the other side of the laneway from the Vicarage, attracts people from all over the world to see his resting place and sign the visitors book. His poem "Love" from the Temple writings is a must to read at some stage in life.

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