Salamat, Siargao! SALAMAT to you all!

'Salamat' = 'Thank you'!

This was our last day on this island.  This was not our last day in The Phil.  We still have one more week and after googling the weather predictions and looking at the budget, we've decided where we'll spend our last week.  Rather, I've decided and hubby has gone along with that choice.  So far we've seen very very little of the monsoon and we prefer to keep it that way.  It was very sunny and hot when we left and I think the camera even managed to capture some of the haze.  I'd never had that before so I just had to reduce the glare.

12.00  Picked up by resort van
12.45  Arrival airport + check-in.  You have to open ALL your luggage because they check for sea-shells, coral, starfish, etc.  Taking them from the beaches and putting them in your luggage is not allowed.  They also make you switch on your cameras and laptops.
14.20  Departure -- 30 minutes ahead of schedule
15.00  Arrival Cebu stopover ... and now the fun starts when the announcement comes over the PA that our flight has been delayed and consequently moved from 17.40 to 21.15.  My cellphone went dead and my firewall prevented internet access so I could not warn Até M in Manila who wanted to fetch us.  Went to the airline desk and asked to be moved to an earlier flight, which looked like it was going to be delayed as well.  In short, 2 delayed flights, one after the other, and about 250 anxious passengers.  What did they do?  They summoned a Jumbo A330 and fitted us all in.  And so we go on ...
19.10  Departure Cebu
20.20  Arrival in the airspace in Manila, after which we circled the air for 50 minutes because air traffic control could not find a parking spot, which was logical because it was an improvised unscheduled flight.
21.10  We finally land!
22.30  After looking around for 15 minutes and determining that there was no one waiting for us, we had to join the queue for a yellow cab (the white ones at the airport are practically thieves)
23.00  Arrival at our condotel.  I got hold of the WiFi quickly to contact Até M and according to her, they were told that our flight had been completely cancelled and that we wouldn't be arriving till the next day.  Can you believe it?

THANK YOU -- MARAMING SALAMAT for all your congratulations, compliments, hearts, stars and best wishes!  What a fab community you all are and what a site for a blog!

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