"Ten-Legged Race"

On your mark, get set, GO!  Moira and I had some fun playing games and racing in the pool today.  It was Moira's idea to race the dogs for the ball.  Fiona is very possessive of her ball and has retrieved this ball hundreds of times in our pool.  I was pretty sure that Fiona would be the clear winner.  Buttercup declined to race at the last moment choosing to be Fiona's cheerleader, barking and running around the pool after them.  Fiona did win every time.  This made Moira very frustrated.   I explained to her that Fiona had been swimming for a very long time and had lots of strength to swim fast.  So Moira and I spent the rest of our swim time practicing so she could get stronger to beat Fiona! It was a fun morning in the pool.   

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