Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


A marvellous day in Oxford, sunshine, lunch at the Randolph, a stroll around the spire filled streets, plenty of opportunities to blip, the only downside was the cyclists who seemed to have rules of the road (and paths) that only they know about, every five minutes you'd be jumping out of the way of an errantly ridden Rayleigh. Still as I said a marvellous day and to top it off I've managed to get my phone to work as the modem for my computer so I can pick my favourite shot of the day to share.
I'm watching an episode of Lewis at the moment and keep pointing at the screen and poking the wife every time I see something I photographed today, sad isn't it!
Journeying down to Sandbanks tomorrow so expect something surrounded by water for my next few entries.

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