twinned with trumpton


A day of cycling.

Out at 8 to Gorgie; and from there did the second side of a triangle to Jock's Lodge, pausing briefly for a kiss and some lasagne for dinner tonight. Sunny, fresh and too early for most festival goers, I made good progress this morning.

After writing up some notes in the sun at Lochend Park (see extra), then completed the triangle back home thru' Greater Leith.

Met no one, no dramas, all very sedate.

And then in to write stuff up for a couple of hours - mostly mindbending stuff trying to figure out who'd fucked up a flat number and where.

And so out to the supermarket on the bike around 1830; some supplies in for the boys coming over later in the week.
Just as I got in, TPR called to say he needed assistance taking down his stall, so back onto the bike and into town once more. At speed. 17 minutes which may well be a record. (Must have been a tail wind)

So I fetched the van (and got another kiss) and helped stow the kit before heading off to home to finally cook the lasagne (tasty - but I knew it would be) before... well, by then It was time for a whisky,  post a blip and to bed.

Seating sections at Meadowbank 'Stadium'; 29 years ago almost to the day (13/8/86) I watched Stirling Albion beat Meadowbank Thistle 4-1 in a league cup tie here. TPR was there, too, tripping on acid....

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