The Ferg

By fergie

Harbour encounter

Instead of exposing ourselves to the tourist throng and the fringe again, we made a decision that a more relaxing day in the East Neuk of Fife was called for , and while my wife relaxed reading a book in Cellardyke I wandered around the harbour taking opictures . I met this guy with a parrot. I looked desperatly for signs of a pirate ship in Cellardyke harbour but apart from a distant dredger heading for Anstruther and a lone sea kayaker, of pirates I could see none. Its not a great technical picture  as I had to act fast in the middle of a landscape shoot and clearly this guy had other things to do. He said the parrot goes everywhere with him and they seem attached to each other. I think the location  of an old harbour made the siting of a man with a parrot on his shoulder seem normal.

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