Mont Blava

Just short of 3,000m, this peak is not often climbed as you can see from the state of the summit cross. What a view there is, looking down onto the Lac des Dix reservoir. It was great to be on a new personal summit and to look towards the higher and better known peaks of the Pigne d'Arolla and the Mont Blanc de Cheilon. I shall always associate this peak with a young man who I taught 6 years ago. After all this time, his father phoned me whilst I was sitting there on the summit, a proud dad. Govind has passed his IB and secured his place to study IT at university. They are coming to see me at the weekend. It is rare that retired teachers get to see the fruits of their labours, I am so happy for him!

I am overwhelmed with the comments, stars and faves for the last 2 days' photos, a HUGE THANK YOU to all who have contributed.

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