On top of the world - UK

Go on, how many of you would know where I  meant if I said "The Roaches" ?.

They are the magnificent ridge in North Staffordshire which has views to compare with anywhere in the world.  I'm never sure whether Staffordshire is neglected and underrated - or just a well kept secret.

I'd left it a lot of years since I'd been up there and I have no intention of leaving it as long before I return.

I'd been to the dentist and hygienist in the morning and phoned my brother on impulse to see if he wanted to go up to the Roaches as the weather was so gorgeous. I picked him up from home and, as he knows the area incredibly well, he found me somewhere to park and the best route up to the trig point.  (We won't talk about me having to back about 500 yards down a narrow track with a sheer drop because the rubbish lorry wouldn't back up about 30 yards to the passing place !!!!!)

It was a marvellous walk - and looking across at the local peaks and over to Jodrell Bank - makes you so glad to be alive and sharing this splendour.

What a wonderful day out.

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