Piping hot !

Had a free day in Glasgow so plooteted about the West End and met with a fellow blipper and his wife. Had a coffee and a good blether then went to Kelvingrove to listen to the organ recital. Just as I was about to go in I bumped into a friend and we stood outside the revolving door chatting when all of a sudden there was an almighty scream. A wee girl about five had got her fingers jammed in the bloody doors due to her bigger brother pushing the door too fast. I was trying to get my brain in gear working out whether to push or pull the door to release her when her idiot brother who was equally trapped in the other part of the door tried pushing it the wrong way! Fortunately a man came out of nowhere and pulled the door and released her. Naturally she was in considerable pain and bawling her head off when her happles parents appeared, the father started shouting at the brother while the stupid mother was rubbing the kid's arm and fingers probably making the pain worse. Finally one of the museum attendants arrived and offered to get a first aider which the bloody mother refused!. After the commotion my friend said that that family already had an accident in the cafe when another of their three kids was swinging on a chair and fell backwards. I was gobsmacked at the ambivalence of these parents and their lack of perception of danger .
Finally my evening was rounded off when my Canadian clients gave me a ticket to join them to see the Simon Fraser University pipe band concert. They were absolutely fantastic.
End of a long but enjoyable day.

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