Coron, Palawan, Visayas region

The last time we were in Coron was 3.5 years ago.  I wasn't blipping yet.  This is our third time here but it will be our first time in the town itself.  The two previous occasions were spent at a rather pricey resort.

Lazy day leading to a half-hour delayed departure, but we didn't mind.  It was sunny in Manila but showering in Coron, but, again, we didn't mind.  This is the last week of our holiday and after 4 weeks of 'success', we're not too expectant about this week.  Anything can go as long as we can depart properly for home this coming Sunday (so we can arrive safely on Monday and I can go back to work on Tuesday?  Hahaha!  Don't be fooled ...)

We booked ourselves into the cheapest joint according to booking dotcom and had our room upgraded to one with an a/c.  The heat is oppressive if all you have is a fan.  The drive to town revealed that most of the roads have been paved, something we were/are most grateful for.  Later in the afternoon, the skies cleared and we went out for a stroll and then to dinner.  The Tuesday singer had a loud manner of delivery and/or her mikes were set way too high.  The idea is, of course, to attract customers, but she did exactly the opposite, I think, as the restaurant was empty and the beer drinkers preferred to stay outside.  So ... what did the ellaphant do?  Without prompting, she took to the stage, asked politely if she could entertain hubby while waiting for the food, and sang and danced for about close to half an hour!  What a hilarious time!  Even the beer drinkers outside stood up to see who it was ... hahaha!  Did that mean a free dinner?  Nope.

In case you're wondering -- a couple of Carpenters, three from ABBA + Woolly Bully from San the Sam and the Pharaos.  \o/  :DD

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