A long day.

The usual work stuff, plus a trip to Dundee for a meeting. We're still waiting for head office to approve the Ghana project. 7 weeks to the planned departure date. The application has been "pending" for 6 weeks already.

Meantime flight prices go up and the budget doesn't.

Then over to Edinburgh Airport to meet Dr D off the flight from Munich at 23.10. For once EDI worked properly (a director was sacked the other week). The plane got a gate (so no bus from the other end of the airport), passport control was empty and the bags arrived immediately.

You never like to see someone lose his job, but...

The Blip is the airport control tower. Those who built it didn't foresee the possibility of the occasional thunderstorm, so the airport had to shut for a while last year for fear of lightning hitting the tower. Only in Britain...

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