New Cestrian

By BHPPhoto

Morons & An Evil Woman

Out photographing the massed ranks of England football fans down in the Benidorm bars as they watched the Euro 2012 match against Sweden. I got the usual "paparazzi scum" and "fuck off home Jock" dogs abuse plus lots of beer aimed at me but I've worked in far more scary conditions. I lived and worked in England for many years, most of my friends are English, my wife is English through and through although she's a rugby girl. They're a lovely race of people and they were really good to me. I've no time for any anti-English sentiment or racism. That said I do have to say that the majority of their football followers, at least in Benidorm last night, did appear to be morons. There was a real nasty air about the place especially when Sweden were in the lead. Most confusingly, this guy dressed as Maggie Thatcher got the loudest cheer. Working class people cheering for a caricature of someone who couldn't have cared less about them. Has she now become some sort of symbol of the right wing mob? As I said, morons.

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